The Ultimate Luxury Safari Experience at Royal Malewane

Embark on our next African adventure with us as LeighAnn and I fulfill a major bucket list item at the luxurious Royal Malewane in Greater Kruger National Park. Experience the sights, sounds, and thrills of South Africa's vast wilderness.


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Billie Eilish, Katy Perry, J Balvin, and 200+ Other Artists Unite Against AI Dangers

Artists rally against AI's impact on music, advocating for authenticity and artistic rights in an open letter led by the Artist Rights Alliance. As the music industry faces yet another pivotal moment, the delicate balance between technological advancement and preserving the essence of music is at stake.

Cape Town's Hidden Treasures

Venture into our African adventure series with the first stop in Cape Town! Explore its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and incredible food scene. Join us as we uncover hidden gems and unforgettable experiences awaiting in the heart of the 'Mother City'."

Wealth and the Next Generation

Return-to-office mandates. Low-paying entry level jobs. Increasing rounds of layoffs. Growing inflation. Many in Gen Z are saying “No, thank you!” to corporate America. Instead, they have a different approach to earning a living.


Travel Spotlight

The Branson Beach Estate
on Moskito Island

In this blog, I'll share LeighAnn and my amazing experience on Sir Richard Branson's Moskito Island. We'll explore the island's rich history, indulge in its luxurious offerings, and immerse ourselves in the breathtaking natural beauty of this hidden gem in the British Virgin Islands.


Hey there, I’m Paul Gravette.


This is where we share.

I’ve always kept an eye on the latest trends, but not just about money. Entrepreneurial savvy and business success can only be achieved through knowledge about a wide range of topics. My variety of interests has contributed to where I am today.

Here you’ll find blog posts that encapsulate those interests. You’ll find the latest trends and updates on business, innovation, money, lifestyles, and travel – plus a few other things that I’m sure will be of interest. My hope is that these articles will inspire everyone who takes the time to read them and learn.